BAYOOSOFT Access Manager – Password Reset

BAYOOSOFT Access Manager

Password Reset

With the Password Reset module, a self-service reset tool, employees can reset forgotten passwords themselves without having to contact the Service Desk – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

BAYOOSOFT Access Manager - Password Reset im Self Service
BAYOOSOFT Access Manager - Das sind ein paar unserer zufriedenen Kunden

The module is easy to use and has extremely high user acceptance. This allows you to design your password management processes efficiently and cost-optimized.

Password Reset is characterized by its very flexible configurability. Users can choose from various authentication methods, which can also be combined with each other to comply with the respective security policy of the target system. In practice, this means that, for example, simple authentication is sufficient for the password for intranet applications, but 2-factor authentication is used when resetting the password for an SAP HR system.

BAYOOSOFT Access Manager - AMPR Password Reset - Self Service Passwort Reset Tool
Support for numerous target systems
Multi-factor authentication
Password Propagation
Password Randomizer
Multilingual interface capability

Arrange a demo now

Take the pressure off your service desk today with Self-Service Password Reset.

What our customers say

Andreas Reich – University Hospital Tübingen

Team Leader IT Service Center

With the help of AMPR, we were able to drastically reduce the number of calls to the IT service desk about password resets. Thanks to its extremely simple operation and 24/7 availability, the tool is very popular with our users.

Target systems

Here you will find an overview of all target systems with which the BAYOOSOFT Access Manager Password Reset is compatible. Thanks to its versatility, the Access Manager can be used in numerous system environments – making it a powerful solution for your authorization management. In the Üyou can see which modules work with which systems. Take a look inside and discover how the Access Manager can optimize your IT processes.


The REST API enables seamless integration with your system and ensures a smooth connection.


M-KIS provides hospital staff with reliable and intelligent support for all medical, nursing, therapeutic and administrative tasks.


ORBIS is the unique solution for workflows in medicine, administration and management of healthcare facilities.


SAP is the indispensable universal tool for leading companies worldwide. As the most successful software outside the USA, SAP optimizes all business processes of modern companies.

Credential Provider

Credential providers are the main instrument for user authentication. They are currently the only way for users to prove their identity.

Request TRIAL now

Start your fully automated Password Reset Journey today.

Svenja Winkler

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