Secure and efficient management of file storage and access rights at the University of Salzburg
Satisfied customer since 2010 The University of Salzburg’s concept of using the econet Identity & Service Manager to delegate rights management to the specialist departments via Operator Services was a complete success.
The administrators in the IT department and the helpdesk staff are freed from the day-to-day business of managing filing systems and authorizations. With several thousand students and staff, Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) is the largest educational institution in Salzburg.
The name of the university, Paris Lodron, reflects its founding by Prince Archbishop Paris Lodron in 1622.
Since the University of Salzburg was re-established in 1962, it has developed into a modern and vibrant university in Austria.

The task: Providing students and staff with group and project directories including access rights
At the University of Salzburg, over 18,000 students and 2,800 employees in research, teaching and administration have to be provided with group and project directories, including access rights.
The aim was to relieve the IT administration of this time-consuming manual work.
In addition, the departments themselves were to be able to regulate access rights to their sensitive project and research data.
The result: automated directory management by the project managers
With the university solution from econet, the processes for managing directories and access have been automated and transferred to the specialist departments.
This means that project managers can now set up repositories for themselves or others and grant, change and withdraw access rights to them.
The advantages: Cost savings, as well as higher productivity and transparency
The advantages of the econet solution can be summarized in 5 areas:

The project: File Service Management at the University of Salzburg
The effort involved in providing file repositories at large educational and research institutions is immense.
At the University of Salzburg, over 20,000 users need to be provided with group and project directories for their work.
Students need quick access to new project repositories.
Everyone who leaves their project groups or ends their studies or employment must be reliably deprived of access to sensitive data.
Routine work that often keeps the entire IT team at large institutions on their toes and leads to bottlenecks and waiting times, especially at the change of semester.
The simple and fast implementation resulted in a rapid delegation of rights assignment, with the specialist departments now being able to regulate their own access and achieve higher productivity with lower administrative costs.
The bottom line: automated access management to protect sensitive data
The University of Salzburg’s concept of using the econet Identity & Service Manager to delegate rights management to the specialist departments via Operator Services was a complete success. The administrators in the IT department and the helpdesk staff are freed from the day-to-day business of managing repositories and authorizations. With process-controlled authorization management, the University of Salzburg protects its sensitive data from unwanted access. The newly gained transparency prevents the unwanted accumulation of rights, enables the reliable revocation of access rights and makes the assignment of rights traceable by logging all actions. “Thousands of employees and students, as well as constant change, present us with major challenges in terms of user authorizations to data and project repositories. Every semester anew. We opted for the university solution from econet to ensure that everything is automated and in line with the university’s security requirements. It couldn’t be better and our IT department is noticeably relieved.” – Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Wenninger, COO, Head of IT Infrastructure, University of Salzburg