Published On: 23. October 2024

Why IT security software is no substitute for effective risk management

The threat of ransomware and hacked IT systems is omnipresent today and affects companies of all sizes and industries. At the same time, the market for cybersecurity and compliance solutions is booming. But are these tools really the comprehensive answer to the growing threat landscape? In this blog post, we explore the question of whether such software alone is sufficient and what other factors are crucial for protecting modern corporate structures.

Why security software alone is not enough

Companies that want to secure their data with the help of software solutions must grant them access to their IT structure. These solutions process data, which must also be considered a risk. Access rights play a crucial role here and must be evaluated just as carefully.

Regular audits of risk management by authorities and GDPR lawyers make it clear that security software alone is not enough. Instead, effective authorization management based on the minimum and need-to-know principle, for example, is an essential measure for increased security.

Those responsible must identify and evaluate the risks in the company themselves. This includes not only technical aspects, but also employee awareness of the issue of data protection. After all, people are still considered to be the biggest weak point in data protection. It is therefore important to support employees in developing security awareness, for example when dealing with emails or sensitive data.

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Competitive advantages through improved risk management

Certifications such as ISO 27001 or TISAX signal that companies are considered reliable partners. Certifications such as these represent a competitive advantage that can only be achieved through qualitative risk management and complete documentation of security measures. IT security software alone cannot guarantee this.

With the introduction of the NIS2 directive, companies must also ensure that they maintain a high level of security for their network and information systems, which further increases the requirements for risk management.

The basic protection compendium of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) offers valuable support by describing measures to mitigate threats. It enables companies to systematically evaluate their IT landscape and take suitable protective measures.

The right IT security software for your company

Once companies have taken a comprehensive look at their risk management and have already set up a basic system, it is easier for them to find a suitable software solution that meets their individual requirements and addresses specific problems. Effective risk management also supports innovation processes, such as migration to the cloud

In summary, it can be said that awareness of IT security issues and findings from documented processes are essential for security and innovation. At first glance, this seems very time-consuming, but the effort pays off and saves valuable time during migrations, for example.

Do you already know BAYOOSOFT Themis?

BAYOOSOFT Themis enables companies to create and manage an ISMS. The establishment of an information security management system (ISMS) and effective IT risk management are closely interlinked, as both are essential for the security and resilience of a company’s IT landscape. BAYOOSOFT Themis combines these two essential components on one platform and makes their implementation considerably easier. The integrated guidance module enables the step-by-step development of an ISMS in accordance with ISO 27001, while the upcoming IT risk management module, based on ISO 27005, will support the systematic identification and assessment of risks. This seamless combination simplifies compliance with security standards and promotes the continuous improvement of IT security measures in accordance with the latest security standards.

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